Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Essay --

Educational theory that is relevant to change management would be the social learning theory. In this theory the leader or educator has a responsibility to act as a role model. Social learning theory has been applied to education in nursing to maximise the use of support groups and to address psycho social problems. As an example from research it has shown that nurse managers who understand their responsibilities and roles in promoting a positive work environment leads to enhances competence, learning and satisfaction (Kane-Urrabazo, C. 2006) Bandura states that people do not need to experience things directly to learn and that substantial learning happens by observing other people’s behaviour and what happens to them. Learning can be seen as a social process and other individuals provide compelling examples for how to act feel and think. The principle of Role Modelling is to enable the student to observe a well-trained nurse work and therefore allows the student to foster the professional role. This does not only involve the learning of clinical skills but learning about professional attitudes and interactions with patients and other members of healthcare staff (Quinn 1991). For this theory Role Modelling is a central concept and as an example a nurse with little experience would usually be mentored by a nurse with more experience who shows desirable behaviours and professional attitudes. In relation to nurse education the advantage of social learning theory is its focus on the social aspect of learning which occurs in a social environment, recognising the complexity of the person and the environment. Callery 1990 states that the same complexity makes interaction challenging and intervention complicated. The environment woul... .... Set of principles of adult education centred on the political fact that there are fundamental differences in the legal rights of adults & children. Educational philosophy defined in terms of self-directed learning, student centred teaching & lifelong learning. Self-directedness & individual development is consistent with humanism. Advocates autonomy by giving the learner responsibility for learning. Andragogy encourages individual learning diversity Andragogical consistency mirrors the nurse patient- relationship Andragogy can be understood as a means that adult education must focus more on the method compared than to the lessons. Self-evaluation, simulations, role playing and case studies are the most useful of these types of education, Instructors take on the function of a resource person or facilitator instead of assuming the usual role of a grader or lecturer.

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