Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Global Business And Culture Analysis Of Croatia Cultural Studies Essay

Global Business And tillage Analysis Of Croatia Cultural Studies EssayThe analysis of the cultural perspectives of doing vexation in this paper is concentrated on the insinuate of the horti finale of alumnus students taking Business Administration in Croatia an U.S as this group is the one that will gradu bothy assume the leading role in the Croatian and Ameri depose economy and billet fellowship. The research confides comprehensive understanding of props and elements of culture in Croatia and America, how these elements and dimensions are integrated by locals conducting condescension and lastly the implications of US businesses that wish to conduct business in Croatia.In order be unbiased in the customaryization of the findings, simple random sampling was utilise to admit the respondents for this study.Comparison of cultures has been done through measuring their magnitude (Hofstede, 2001). Nevertheless, the magnitudes used to weigh against cultures are usually not phy sical dimensions notwithstanding, rather are dealings of the attitudes and de borderine that dissimilar cultures contain. Some of the dimensions of culture were those developed by Ali Alshawi (2005) which include (1) Uncertainty escape (2) Power Distance (3) maleness/femininity (4) Individualism/collectivism (5) Confucian Dynamism (6) Universalism- Particularism, (7) sluggish vs. Emotional Relationship Orientations(8) Achievement vs. Ascription (9) Conservatism vs. Affective/ intelligenceual self-sufficiency (10) power structure vs. egalitarian (11) Harmony vs. Mastery (13) common Sharing Relationships (14) Authority Ranking Relationships (15) Equality Matching Relationships (16) Market set Relationships.Investigation was conducted to establish the measurement of the customs which exited in momentous take of ge put up in the viewpoints of conducting trade. The report of graduate scholars who are enrolled in Business Administration might not necessarily signify a actually picture of the distinctive or universal outline of the business customs in Croatia, hence becoming a constraint to the study.The paper concludes by proposing the right moves in business that hind end be made in order to bring forth a successful transaction.Key vocalises civilization, cultural dimensions, business environmentIntroductionCulture can be defined as the way of life of people including language, sciences and art, their interaction, spirituality as well as their social activity, convections, protocols and their negotiations (Shahla, 2002). In order to make sure that people work together proficiently and together towards business verifiables in a positive and motivating environment, they need to be aware of the humanity and richness of both a corporate culture and international culture. In foreign countries, getting e verybody to work together might not be very easy. Apart from language issues, distinct countries view as different approaches to work. Some cultures take offense of certain comments. A Christmas party might not be seen in like manner keen by non-Christian religions. Cultural sets of beliefs and differences cannot be easily changed or overcome (Hofstede, 1991). But it is important for any business owner or manager to be aware of them and how they impact their business. This will help to right to them and improve efficiency, profitability and success of business. worry statementCulture is defined as the standards and manners of a group of people or community. Culture also determines how a country does business that. Understanding the difference in cultures of different county is a step in succeeding business in a foreign country. This research paper was aimed at establishing different cultural perspectives of doing business in Croatia.ObjectiveThe main objective of the research was to take the cultural perspectives of doing business in Croatia. This objective was achieved through the following specific research objectives.To de termine the major elements of dimensions of culture in Croatia.To ascertain how dimensions of culture are integrated by locals in business.To assess the difference in Croatian and US culture and Business.To determine the implication of US business wishing to be conducted in Croatia.Significance of the studyThe study provided an understanding of Croatian culture which is indispensable when it comes to successfully running business in Croatia. boundary of the studyAs far as this study is bear on the challenge presented here in is that the profile of the scholars may not give a real scenario of the business as far as culture is concerned in America and Croatia (Hofstede, 2001).Financial constraints led to selection of a slim sample size which might not be an entire representation of the entire population.Literature reviewCulture definedFrom the perspective of a humanist, the one Mathew Arnold used the word culture to pass on to an ideal of various(prenominal) human refinement, of the finest that has been thought and said in the world.This idea of culture is comparable to theGerman concept of constructAccording to an anthropologist Kroeber and Kluckhohn culture can be defined asConsisting or else world made up of implicit as well as graphic patterns, and behavior transmitted and acquired through symbols with different achievements from groups of human beings (McCoy, 2003).As a replacement for defining culture as a kind of knowledge, McGrew suggests thatCulture can be looked into as a number of steps which may include the following (i) a novel prototype of per solveance is made-up, or else one which is already existing is modified. (ii) Modernizer transforms this prototype to an opposite one. (iii) A kind of the prototype is steady across and within players, conceivably even in terms of identifiable features considered stylistic. (iv) champion who obtains the prototype keeps the capability to do it long post acquiring it. (v) The prototype extends across un its which constitute a population e.g. troops, clans, or bands just to mention only when a few. (vi) The prototype bears transversely generationsThere exist three kinds of culture which are of great significance according to Ali Alshawi (2004a). They include national culture which includes several(prenominal) core determine meant to shape the individuals behavior and the entire society not forgetting organizational culture (Adler 1997 Bagchi and Cerveny 2003). Finally, there exist a level of individual culture according to Dorfman and Howell (1988). Their study shows the impact of national civilization on the behavior of an individual.The business civilization of a particular country is as a result of a number causes from its present and past which are so abnormal such that they can neer be finally and fully beg offed or understood.Overview of Croatian cultureCroatia became a constituent republic of the Federative Popular Republic of Yugoslavia after the Second World War, whic h inherited the ex-Yugoslav kingdom with art governed by the canon of socialistic realism and science and education governed by the canon of dialectic and historical materialism.Self-management system was introduced in 1950s. Cultural and opposite public domains were decentralized and regulated on the level of the six constituent republics. Modernization and the global openness of the country brought various cultural influences. Ideological control over culture loosened, followed by a national movement in which cultural and educational institutions played a visible role. Despite the ensuing political repression the public policies led to greater autonomy of the republics in the federation. The current government was appointed in 2009, after the political shifts caused by resignation of the former prime minister (2004-2009).Greek, roman and Byzantine are the blends of Croatia, the majority of the population is Croats. Minorities include Serbs, Hungarians and Gypsies.Although Croat ia is a sovereign nation, it has a unique culture that has been driven numerous civilizations and empires. It is well known for the rich culture it has, vivid beauty, and many national parks and successful tourism industry.EthicsEthics is the common agreed upon practice of different moral principles or values. It concentrates on the general nature of morals and the specific moral choice an individual makes in relationship to differents. It represents the rules and/or standards governing the conduct of the member of a profession. The context of this interrogative will be ethics applied to business. Business ethics in Croatia is seed as good. In business operation, the regulations are not violated massively, e excessly in transactions with domestic partners. As far as the accomplishment of contract obligations are concerned, the impression is good.ReligionCroatians are mainly Roman Catholic, with small percentages of Uniates (Eastern Orthodox Christians, recognizing the pope), Pro testants, and Muslims. Some pre-Christian essentials have been included into Christian practices and beliefs. Other influences on Croatian religious beliefs and practices have come from European and Near Eastern cultures, from unsophisticated and urban traditions alike, resulting in an amalgam of different heritages. Sacred and religious aspects of traditional culture were neglected during the Socialist period because religion was relegated solely to the private eye socket of life. Catholic Church has a role to play as far as Croatian society is concerned. The pastor participates significantly in the countrys culture as well as education education. Croatians are particularly loyal to Blessed Virgin Mother Mary. There exist asylums all over the nation state put up in her honor. Every town and village has a supporter saint and that saints feast day is distinguished with a church and exhibit rite. Some of the rural communities lighten do have a conventional beacon on their supporte r saints day. Many specialized persons also do have their own supporter saint. Religious conviction is a key in uniting the culture of Croatian, greater part of the Croatians is subscribed to Roman Catholic. During a Roman Catholic holiday, commercial activities close. Patrons of each and every town and city in Croatia lead the celebration of saints holiday. The Catholic Church has for ages aided the development of Croatias history and culture, it carrys on to be seen in everyday Croatian life. National Pride Croatians love their heritage and country and when criticized they take it very personally. Hence, Croatians at one time can be seen as being proud, pretentious and may seem haughty to foreigners.NationalistsCroats can be considered as extremely self-important of their custom and ethnicity and hence are considered to be staunch nationalists. Croats refer their nation as Our Beautiful Homeland (Lijepa naa).This emerges that it is the same title as that one of the national anthe m of their country. The intellect of patriotism emerges both from their ext cease and wealthy civilization as well as a inheritance of foreign control and invasion. Folklore plays an important part in culture preservation. Life understanding is transformed into poetic songs, verse, fairy tales, melodies, symbolic rituals, costumes, dance, music as well as jewellery just to mention but a few. Poems and Folksongs frequently show to the feeling and consider mingled with members of the family.Social structureIn as far as this society is concerned the family still remains to be the basic unit of the society. Extended family is also recognized in this society and the members remains very close to each other. Basic commodities as well as security to some limit, is provided by the family to its members. Weekends are well thought-out as time meant to be spent by the members of the family together. This society values family to an extremity that they will not allow business matters to inte rfere with their family lives. ratios of cultureAccording to McCoy (2003), the highly considered concept of culture is the dimensions of culture by Hofstede. An all-encompassing dimensions of culture were communicate by Alshawi and Ali (2005) using a normative review of literature in the field of culture. These dimensions are labeled (1) Uncertainty avoidance (2) Power Distance (3) Masculinity/femininity (4) Individualism/collectivism (5) Confucian Dynamism (6) Universalism- Particularism, (7) Neutral vs. Emotional Relationship Orientations(8) Achievement vs. Ascription (9) Conservatism vs. Affective/intellectual autonomy (10) Hierarchy vs. Egalitarian (11) Harmony vs. Mastery (13) Communal Sharing Relationships (14) Authority Ranking Relationships (15) Equality Matching Relationships (16) Market Pricing Relationships.Hofstede identified four dimensionsUncertainty avoidance (UA)Vagueness evasion echoes or rather shows a cultures deportance of vagueness and reception of menace. Deg ree to which community in a nation state prefers prearranged over formless situations from comparatively flexible to extremely rigid.Power Distance (PD)Power distance refers to the sharing of power within a society. Extent of disparity in the midst of people, which the inhabitants of a nation state do consider as normal from relatively equal to extremely unequal.Masculinity/femininity (MF)The masculinity femininity measurement does explain the extent to which cultures overriding values are nurturing or assertive.Individualism/collectivism (IC)Extend to which persons in nation gain knowledge of acting as an individual instead of collective members of a ball, moving to individualist from collectivist. Referred in this dimension is how individuals identify and relate with others. Individual attention compared to group interests dominates in an individualistic culture. It is indeed evident that the links in between are very tight. Communities ensure that they do take care of entire co mmunity. That is the elderly and the young. Masakazu (1994) defines modern individualism as a vision of humankind that gives good reason for internal unilateral self-assertion and beliefs, as well as antagonism based on these. In a communalist society, the considerations of the group triumph upon the attention of the personality. People are incorporated into strong and cohesive in-groups that carry on throughout a life deny to defend in exchange for unthinking loyalty. Variation is displayed in who is considered when goals are set. In nonconformist societies, goals are set with negligible deliberation given to groups other than possibly your direct family. In communalist societies, other crowds are taken into consideration seriously when goals are set. Individualist societies are freely incorporated communalist societies are strongly incorporated (McGrew, 1998). One tends to define people by what they have done, their accomplishments, what kind of car they have. The question is do we function in a group or as individuals? Cultures of communitarism stress common goals and collective work (teamwork), while cultures of individualism value more individual success and creativity.Confucian DynamismThe fifth dimension of culture was acknowledged by Bond and Hofstede (1984). It is also tagged as long term vs. short term life orientations. This dimension portrays cultures that vary from values that have a short duration in relation to customs and reciprocity in relations in the society to values that are sa hug drugine and order a relationship on the criteria. The extent to which, communities or rather citizens promote collective harmony and welfare, resulting in psychological collectivism.Trompenaars (1993) defines the following dimensionsUniversalism-ParticularismThe extent to which, communities or rather citizens weigh against generalist rules about what is right with more situation-specific relationship obligations and unique circumstances.In the context of busi ness, what is of importance is regarded to be individuals behaviorParticularism is the lower level in this type of dimension which implies giving inclination to an approach that is flexible for each specific problemWhereas universalism is the higher level of this dimension, it has the meaning of being exacting in observing rules and other set standards.Neutral vs. Emotional Relationship OrientationsThe extent to which, communities or rather citizens weigh against objective and detached interactions with interactions where emotions is more quick expressed.In the neutral concept, emotions are barred from being displayed or shown. Where as in the effective concept, displaying emotions in a business relationship is acceptable special(prenominal) vs. Diffuse OrientationsThe extent to which communities in are engaged in a business relation and encounters are marked and set apart both in private and work. What matters is the acceptance of specific responsibilities assigned. The higher le vel of this dimension is diffuse where various relations interwoven compared to the lower level specific in which there is little intermixing of private relationsAchievement vs. AscriptionThe extent to which, communities or rather citizens consider individual achievements as a measure with those where an individual is give specific status on the basis of membership to a group or birth grounds etcIn the concept of achievement, status is got when an individual shows competence unlike in ascription where its achieved though a recognized status in title, gender, age, hierarchy, etcSchwartz (1994), defined the following dimensionsConservatism vs. Affective/intellectual autonomyIt is the extent to which citizen insist on maintaining the initial status (conservatism) or intellectual autonomy gaining pleasure and a life that is exitingCulture Dimension Definition Hierarchy vs. EgalitarianIt is the extent to which individuals consider equality and freedom as a distress to others (Egalitar ian), vs. Hierarchy This emphasizes on the genuineness of flat resources and responsibilitiesHarmony vs. MasteryIt is the extent to which citizen concerned with conquering impediments in a societal setup mastery versus the distressful point of view regarding unity with the natural set up and harmoniously being fit in the environmentThese dimensions were emphasized by Fiske (1992)Communal Sharing RelationshipsThis perception is related to Hofstedes opinion of collectivism. It is the extent to which citizen see the members of a given cluster as equal and at times are quite unreceptive to those coming from outside of the cluster.Authority Ranking RelationshipsIt is the extent to which citizen involve linearity in relationship ordering with higher ranking individuals who have the rights to make decisions, enjoys privilege and are responsible for individuals at the bottom in the hierarchy. According to Schwartz (1994), this idea does not correspond with Hofstadters conception of power distanceEquality Matching RelationshipsIt is the extent to which citizens emphasize on social equalities in relations. The community has knowledge of the inequalities.Market Pricing RelationshipsIt is the extent to which individuals have their mentality fixed to investments andPerception of dominant business cultureIt was examined with Trompenaars replica of four different cultures. This included a framework reinforced on two dimensions i.e. (1) Task orientation versus person and (2) Centralization or hierarchy versus decentralization or egalitarian implying power, role, project and fulfillment orientationsResearch ProblemFollowing the Trompenaars model of four diversity cultures this study aimed to ascertain the cultural perspectives of doing business in Croatia.Research MethodologyProbability sampling approach was used as the research method. This method had the advantage of non biasness in generalization of findings. The research used simple random sampling the instruments for da ta capture were open ended questionnaires formulated using interpretive approach to look at cultural occurrences through Trompenaars model.Research QuestionsThe research questions were how and in what shipway might the cultural dimensions, and their elements of Croatian locals affect their perspectives of doing business and the implications of US businesses wishing to be conducted in Croatia.Research hypothesisInstead of developing a hypothesis, the research was underpinned to determine different perspectives of culture in the Croatian community in relation to doing business,Research sampleTo define the case, the research unit of analysis was the cultural perspectives of doing business in graduate students taking Business Administration from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana in Croatia and Stanford Graduate school of BusinessSample sizeUniversitySample Size shareUniversity of Ljubljana6861.81%Stanford Graduate school of Business4238.19%Total110100%Answer to re search QuestionsQuestion 1 what are the major elements and Dimensions of Culture in Croatia?For Universalism versus Particularism dimension Croatians are individualistic, a practice that results in lack of understanding when relating in an organization and dealing with clients. Also, Croatians are used to television and other forms of media than reading magazines and the internet this is as a result of their system of education.In the dimension Individualism vs. Communitarism, The cultural dimension affects the organizational staffing (organizations) more than people in the society.For Uncertainty avoidance dimension Croatians have a need to work hard, provision of rules and regulations and observe punctualityFor Power Distance dimension the Croatian community have a view that is more power with those at senior most management levels although the organizational culture would have a view different from the insight of power distanceThis affect how clients are having their issues reso lved since the rely on individuals high ranking in an organization as they are considered to be powerfulFor Masculinity/femininity dimension, Croatians are inclined to having very affectionate relationship which cultivates a tight association with family members and acquaintances which from time to time make them dependent on each other in making decisions. It has got the advantage or remaining in contact for a long time.For Confucian Dynamism Dimension The Confucian work dynamism is now refereed to as long term orientation versus short term orientation to life. This dimension encompasses such principles as frugality, perseverance, having a sense of embarrassment, and an ordered relationship. Confucian work dynamism attributes to committed, aggravated, accountable, and knowledgeable people with a sense of dedication and organizational uniqueness and fidelity.Example of countries where long term orientation supports prudence, reservations, perseverance in achieving results and being willing to lessen oneself for a reason are South Korea, Japan, and SingaporeOn the other hand a short term orientation is in line with the expenditure to uphold the pressure from the society, less reservations, preferring immediate results and apprehension with a faceCroatians build on the welfare of their family unit and that is the strongest affiliation according to their perception (Yin, 1994).Croatians in a working environment are inclined to have a high turn over, particularly in the private sector of the economy, since there is deficiency in competent staff. As a result it rises the cost incurred in staff training.For the Neutral vs. Emotional Relationship Orientations dimension this dimension mostly influences the satisfaction of customersCroatians are inclined to be more emotional, and allow some space for mastery so that they can be contented when they feel happy and get concerned for this is more connected to the treatment and at what time they feel that they are special to the organization.For the Specific vs. Diffuse Orientations dimension Since Croatia is switching from an economy based on public sector to more private organizations, which have an effect on how Croatians perceive and their expectation regarding the quality or service.For the Achievement vs. Ascription dimension, Croatians have a propensity to try to get to a superior societal level as the traditions and norms give people more esteem according to which societal class they are from or have attained.For the Market Pricing Relationships dimension Croatians are vigilant to prices and to them it is most important thing while considering a product being produced or services being offeredFor Structured or organized vs. unstructured or unorganized behavior Croatians have a propensity to have a formless approach in their every day life they like to adjust all the time even when it is coming to regulations and procedures in a working environmentRegarding candidness to Others cultures, they show an open approach to acceptance of other peoples cultures and other principles and traditions.For the Internal vs. External (locus of control) dimension, Croatians have a strong attitude that they can have control over their destiny, which is without doubt consistent with the high levels of masculinism present in their cultureQuestion 2 How are dimensions and elements of culture integrated by locals conducting business in Croatia?In doing business, Croatians integrate their culture in the following waysThey have long meetings which do not follow specific agendaRelationships are build only after negotiating business mattersChatting and any other form of small talks only surface after all negotiations in a meeting.Personal relationships in business is not encouraged hence an allow for relationship that incorporates professionalism must be maintained.Education, experience that comes with status, knowledge and reliance are respected by Croatians.Superiors which are authoritative are highly valued.Success and major decisions an be made by an individual.No single person accepts the responsibility that is accompanied by failure.Decisions can be made without appropriate consultations.Flexible deadlines.Managers do not need to account for how and why decisions were reached.Question 3 What is the Comparison between the Croatian and US business Culture?The following differences arise between the Croatian and American cultures. In American cultureMeeting are short and with specific agendaDemocratic leaders are valuedIndividuals accept responsibility of failureConsultation must be done before decision makingManagers are accountable for decisions madeDeadlines are strictIn both culturesRelationships are build only after negotiating business matters.Chatting and any other form of small talks only surface after all negotiations in a meeting.Personal relationships in business is not encouraged hence an appropriate relationship that incorporates professionalism must be m aintained.Education, experience that comes with status, knowledge and confidence are respected.Question 4 What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conductbusiness in that region?In order to successfully do business in CroatiaShow respect to everybody.In addressing a colleague use the title and the beginning name.Avoid talks about money and problems as it depicts infirm behaviors.Allow personal space.Speak directly and authoritatively.Do not criticize a Croatian but you can make suggestions.Religion war and ethnicity is never discussed.In summary cultural values are relatively stable in Croatia, for a foreigner in Croatia, the first impression is conveyed starting with courtesies and the first greeting. Frustration is avoided by knowing how and when decisions are made acquainting one self with the outcomes of a meeting and understanding how women are engaged in into the business framework. Of importance is networking and Personal contacts in Croatian business culture than formal marketing techniques.

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